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The benefits of natural soap that will make you a user for life.

With all the many options and price points for bar soap, the benefits of natural soap are many.

With this in mind, the definition of natural soap for the purpose of this post is the definition set forth by the FDA.

Fatty acids, alkalies, and all that jazz. Not commercial bar soap products.

This needs to be said because, in the world of handmade soap makers and buyers, there is some debate as to what constitutes “natural” soap.

But we have it straight from the powers that be, that without all the extra additives that make it a soap product or detergent….it’s soap.

Without further ado. The benefits of natural soap.

1. Extremely mild and soft on the skin. Even with synthetic fragrances (here comes the debate), handmade bar soaps are some of the mildest, moisture protecting, and soft bars of soap you can use on your skin. ( Nevertheless, if you have extra, extra sensitive skin, a natural handmade bar soap made without any fragrance at all is the best bet.)

2. Minimal ingredients. A handmade bar of soap will have oils, lye, water, some body-safe colorants, and either a body-safe synthetic fragrance or natural essential oil. You should be able to read and recognize the label!

3. You get to support the handmade community! That’s great for YOUR community.

4. The WIDE variety! It’s huge. The scents are endless

5. They are so pretty. I use this one last because a lot of people might not care about that. Generally speaking, as a handmade soap maker, I can’t deny the looks on faces when I hand over a very unique smelling and looking bar of soap. It’s magic.

Natural handmade soap vs commercial bar soap is entirely up to you.

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